Legal and Physical Custody Are Not the Same
- by Ji Y. Park
Many are unaware of essential distinctions around what the word "custody" actually means when beginning the divorce process. Most of the time, "custody" isn't a "winner takes it all" proposition. Different kinds of custody have entirely separate meanings and need to be considered carefully.
Preparing for the Best Tax Outcome in Your Divorce
- by Ji Y. Park
Tax issues in a divorce are complicated. Make the wrong move during the negotiation process, and you could end up paying far more in the next tax season than you expected. To save yourself a massive headache, make sure you are prepared.
What Are the Repercussions of Domestic Violence on Existing Custody Agreements?
- by Ji Y. Park
In the wake of the COVID-19 pandemic, domestic violence has increased dramatically. With many still on lockdown or with limited means, many people are stuck at home with their abusers. Worse, local laws and health guidelines leave many people with nowhere to go.
However, instigators of violence in the home should beware: any record of domestic violence is regarded as serious by the courts, and can negatively impact your ability to maintain custody of your children.
Child Support and Alimony Modification During the Coronavirus Lockdown
- by Ji Y. Park
The current pandemic situation has hit us all pretty hard, with a lot of people taking a blow to their income and job status. If you are a financially struggling parent due to COVID-19 and you have trouble paying your mandatory child support or alimony payments to your ex-spouse, what do you do?
First, don’t panic. There are options to get this resolved.
The Coronavirus and Custody
- by Ji Y. Park
News of the coronavirus is pervasive, and it is difficult to escape feelings of worry. Official reactions have ranged from downplaying the risk to outright panic, and financial markets are in turmoil. While we don’t want to speculate on the dangers of the coronavirus COVID-19, the impact of the world’s reaction is already very real.
This raises the question among divorced parents: how does the coronavirus impact child-custody arrangements?
Til Debt Do You Part: The Unexpected Debt Consequences of Divorce in California
- by Ji Y. Park
No one wants to consider the debt consequences of divorce, yet at the same time, there are so many misconceptions about how it works. Here's what you need to know.
‘Tis The Season for Finding Agreement on a Holiday Visitation Schedule…or the Court Will Do it For You
- by Ji Y. Park
It’s that time of year when visitation schedules can get particularly tricky. Scheduling visitation with kids between their divorced parents can already be emotional—so how do you agree on a schedule when both parents want the child for Christmas or Thanksgiving?
Well, no one can promise that it is easy. But you’re not alone—there are multiple scheduling options for all kinds of ex-couples…even the ones that are far from amicable.
When it Comes to Alimony, Non-working Spouses Do NOT Get a Free Pass
- by Ji Y. Park
For some non-working ex-spouses about to receive alimony, the promise of easy street may seem within grasp. After all, once the alimony and/or child support payments are settled, that can replace one's ordinary income, right? One might never have to work again!
Not so fast, says the court.
If you refuse to work while actually being able, your alimony and/or child support payments could be impacted, and the court could intervene.